Monday, 6 July 2015

Government bans river and stream fishing for southern Vancouver Island

Government bans river and stream fishing for southern Vancouver Island

Effective immediately, all river and stream fishing on Vancouver Island, with the exeption of the Quinsam and Qualicum Rivers, is prohibited, due to the drought conditions. - File photo
Effective immediately, all river and stream fishing on Vancouver Island, with the exeption of the Quinsam and Qualicum Rivers, is prohibited, due to the drought conditions.
Responding to dry conditions, the Government of B.C. has announced a Level 4 drought rating for Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, and taken the additional action of suspending angling in streams and rivers throughout southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands due to ongoing low stream flows and warming water

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Effective water management to bring down poverty levels

As economic development is directly linked to the management of water resources for sustainable use and poverty alleviation, the Andhra Pradesh Government is focusing on bringing the ground-water level ....  Click
Every effort should be made to optimize the use of our natural resources, especially the natural aquifers  to benefit as citizens from the goods and services they provide.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Fisheries: Urgent action needed on overfishing, pollution and climate change

Fisheries: Urgent action needed on overfishing, pollution and climate change. Click

FAO's Committee on Fisheries in Rome this 9th of June, 2014 has called for urgent action and Nigeria should not be left out from the international community.
The Niger delta area is fed with oil pollution and unhealthy oil exploration activities which has left the region threatened with little or no aquatic/fishing life. This is supposed to be the source of livelihood for the rurals but has plunged them into abject poverty and restiveness. Strategies for restoration is imperative for progressive fisheries and other agricultural activities for food production in the area. 

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

World Environment Day: Raise your voice not the sea level this 5th of June, 2014

Climate change issues, sea level rising. Impact of pollution and destructive activities of man.
There are lots of ways we can help our environment, to ensure healthy goods and services it can afford.
One major problem we have in Nigeria is the practice of dumping wastes in our surrounding water bodies and drainage systems. It is heinous, the environment is living, this practice has high degree of adverse effect which turns round to affect man, the defaulter. It results in blockages of water draining channels expediting localized flooding with areas of high water tables more vulnerable.
Proper waste disposal is realistic in our neighbourhoods. just a little planning and commitment to locating the right places to dump our wastes is what we need to ensure clean and healthy environment. Very importantly for those living in riverine areas, that water surrounding you can actually harbour and produce fish for your household if you can take a second look at the possibility, instead of facilitating breeding grounds for mosquitoes and diseases. All hands on deck, moms! youths! please mobilize your household or do you think otherwise? We can talk about it, post your comments. Still visit for more info on environment awareness programs.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

The big hit

It'a all about the environment. Making the most use of nature.

Welcome to AgroEnviroTourism

 It's all about the reality of optimizing the use of ecosystem goods and services. Harnessing the natural resources  for food and water (goods) and for aesthetics (services). Always visit to get insights to manage your environment better.